
Monday, May 6th, 2024

Every once in a while a composer may want to change a time signature during the course of a music composition. Although this is a rather easy thing to do, many may not know how to notate for making this type of music notation change. In addition, they may not know what impact making this change…

The time signature itself designates either perfect time or imperfect time simply by the numerator that is being used as the top number in the time signature. Also, depending upon what the numerator is divisible by, this will determine whether the time signature is in simple time or in compound time.

“Herein lays the true message: that all these facets of the cyclical nature of the world; living, giving birth to new life and dying are all universal to every person on this planet, no matter what their skin color or religious belief. In essence, we are all connected through our common human experiences.

This article is designed to recap through specific charts and information, using examples from classical music to demonstrate the ideas behind the concepts of some of the simple meter time signatures.

This is the third part of our mini-series on the subject of time signatures. There are many symbols used in music composition and notation which instruct performers on how to play the written music. Time signatures are a key component of those instructions.

The NHPCO is an excellent resource for those seeking help, information and guidance when it comes to end-of-life care. J. Donald Schumacher, PsyD NHPCO President & CEO, gives a quick monthly message discussing…

Just like an excellent symphony, each note is a contributing factor making the symphony a glorious experience. Take away a single note and it is diminished. Likewise, with John and Nelle O’Neill, one cannot write about only one of them as their lives are like a wonderful symphony!

Won’t You Be My Dear Valentine?

The Children By Don Rath Jr …and the children used to come here to play, sing, frollick and dance. Once there was a way of life where joy and laughter filled the land. When you could find peace rafting on a river and life in a flower. Where loving was the status quo and a […]

I’ve come to know you through my song. My heart is warm now in the sun. Awakened to you and your love…

Sometimes, in the alone-ness of my thoughts I recall, in my moments of great despair, how you, in those same moments, lifted me, …

Time Signatures represent the time related structures and instructions whereby the note and rest patterns are placed within a specific rhythmically based sequence. They are simply observable, repeated events which occur within the structure of…

…understanding time signatures requires a certain amount of study of three concepts; a philosophical approach to the concept of time itself, the description of the symbols used for notating music as well as an approach via the use of musical symbols in applications demonstrating the effect the different symbols have on playback and performance of music.

…dynamics as used in music, we are presenting other symbols used to cause the performers to alter the intensity and the variation of sound intensity through the use additional music symbols.

…his particular trip allowed me to visit the beach where I was able to sit and watch as the waves gently rolled in and then they finish their journey by rolling back out again into the Gulf of Mexico, in a continuous motion, watching the waves moving in and then back out again…