
Monday, September 16th, 2024

The application of each of the components of musicality has a direct and indirect impact or influence on how we perceive music as a listener. Collectively, the composer must consider and use the various concepts or components of musicality in an attempt to create a musical masterpiece.

All musical instruments provide us human beings a way or method to produce sound by which we as composers and performers can express both our creative, unique and individual musical ideas and it gives everyone great musical pleasure and enjoyment…

…an article with the intent of conveying to you the years of internship and the total personal involvement a luthier invests in the instruments they create…

…life in the 21st century places mental strains on us which we can be better manage by using music to soothe the soul, if you will. After all, music is not just the universal language it is also a great healing force…

…understanding time signatures requires a certain amount of study of three concepts; a philosophical approach to the concept of time itself, the description of the symbols used for notating music as well as an approach via the use of musical symbols in applications demonstrating the effect the different symbols have on playback and performance of music.

…nine part article series Acoustics of Music takes a different and slightly more advanced approach than my original article titled Characteristics of Sound. It will broaden your understanding of the key and relevant knowledge that is vital and useful…

…you can more easily continue your study and review the various types of articulations available not only for the violin but for each instrument you may be employing when creating your next masterpiece.

…it would be nice to have a crystal ball to know who the next Bach, Beethoven or Mozart would be and what contributions they will be making to advance the field of music. To get a glimpse into the mind of this composer, at least for a moment, come to know the wonder of music creation would be, in modern terms, awesome!

…creation and the process of creation, in and of its basic nature and character, is generated deep within…

…we arrange these characteristics in such a way that we find it pleasing to listen to we call that music.