
Monday, September 16th, 2024

Mission Statement

Official Mission Statement

Don Rath Jr | StringTunes | Mission Statement

This public declaration or mission statement sets forth the intent and purpose of this website, Music Theory and Composition (http://donrathjr.com) and for other work as created and/or acquired by contemporary instrumental chamber music composer Don Rath Jr and as pertaining to doing business within the music industry and functioning out of the State of Illinois, under the unique and registered business name of StringTunes.

Mission Statement

My mission statement includes a threefold focus; to compose music, to help others with publishing support for getting their music out there and to provide funding to help others in need as detailed below.

Like any endeavor it is important to have a reason beyond the self that motivates, invigorates and causes one to “keep on” long after others would have stopped. My chosen mission is to generate a sufficient income stream capable of providing financial resources in alignment with this mission statement.

To help children get a music education by providing grants, scholarships and academic awards.

To help the terminally ill by providing monies to assist in supporting needed hospice care services.

To help talented musically oriented people gain marketplace exposure.

This mission statement is now the underpinnings of and my reasons for doing the things I do, and for giving me something to do considerably beyond the self. Neither however takes precedence over the other.

Mission Statement – The Plan

Music and music composition has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. Throughout my life it has been a motivational force and driver behind a lot of what I do. Creating music is the personal intent side of this venture and in some ways the spiritual side as well. In commerce it is a necessity to produce new products on a consistent basis thereby establishing longevity and  financial sustainability in the marketplace. A broader view includes helping those in need of assistance with music education and with Hospice Care. This reason or cause is vitally important to the greater community.

On January 31, 2007, I started StringTunes. It’s sole purpose initially was to provide music publishing services including sales and marketing for my own creative musical works. It’s focus has now expanded to include helping others seeking publishing support for new music in the classical and chamber music genres. Composers get little support in the early years of their career and this is a focus as well. The knowledge I have gained over the years of finding my own way as a composer is of great value to others and it is through the offering of this knowledge that it can benefit others.

Further, a large part of the StringTunes purpose is to locate creative and talented individuals who are seeking music publishing guidance and assistance. The primary goal of StringTunes is doing business as a music publisher, selling and marketing the creative products and services arising out of the creative and continuous efforts of composers as well as from original and newly discovered talent.

All of that work has led me to develop the ideas behind the not-for-profit arm of StringTunes called the StringTunes Foundation. Its sole purpose is to use a percentage of the capital raised through commercial StringTunes activities to capitalize the efforts designated in this mission statement. I am in the informational gathering and learning stages in the process of establishing the not-for-profit StringTunes Foundation to fulfill this aspect of the mission statement.

Once established, the business triangle will be complete with a single focus and in full support of my mission statement. Collectively, these ideas, once accomplished, will fulfill my most important and lifelong dream, that of  helping others.

It is important to note that these things cannot be accomplished on my own. The amount of work, organization, business management and the artistic skills needed to accomplish these goals requires the help, guidance and assistance from others who are interested in helping to make these dreams come true for all those concerned. Maybe you are one of those persons. If you are, please feel free to contact me with your interest. Thanks in advance!

This is the StringTunes mission statement. It is my vision conveyed with the hope of attaining success in reaching these outcomes.

With complete sincerity and with my highest regards,

Don Rath Jr – Composer

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StringTunes – Music to Soothe Your Soul!

Mission Statement