
Saturday, July 27th, 2024


Music Flier for Don Rath Jr

Music Flier Photo for Don Rath Jr

Music Flier – Passion, Creativity and Communication

Passion is what makes this world go round! It is one of the passions for mankind flowing from that unique human characteristic of creativity, an exclusive and singular behavior delegated only to our species.

Creativity sets us apart from all other creatures on this planet. The wise use of this human tool is what makes it possible to formulate the possibilities we experience in our daily lives. This includes making music, a deeply ingrained passion of humankind.

Communication is a vital part of being human and interacting with one another. Music gives us a form of communication where we can experience the many emotions available to us. We tie events and experiences to it, which we then have the ability to recall those memories months, years or even decades later. It can unite us, divide us and it can provide a means of calming the untamed spirit within us or to agitate us into action.

Music is of universal appeal and it is culturally based and yet this diversity can be received favorably across the globe. It is the one single device we can use, across languages, societies and entire cultures which is understood without the need of an interpreter in order for us to communicate our sonic messages with one another.

Creating Music

Creating music is what this site is all about. As this site continues to expand, the  intention is to provide an information resource for those learning to create music.  It is from this basis that I hope others can learn or be reminded of the tools of the trade. Yes, for me and many like me, in the end, it is really and only all about the music. I am but a messenger.

The crux and main purposes of this site are; to hopefully inspire within you  a desire to expand your knowledge of music and to use  this knowledge, the tools necessary for making music, to help you utilize creative energy in such a way as to make beautiful noise and to awaken within you that special and unique art of music creation or as it is better understood, music composition!

You are welcome here!

So please, come on in, take a look around, learn what you can from this resource and go make some wonderful music! Hope you like my music flier!

Warm Regards,

Don Rath Jr – Composer

Music Flier