…study of scales it is necessary to learn or more thoroughly understand the basic concepts, ideas and tools used in music notation, including the symbols, representing collectively, the symbolic language of music.
When taken as a whole, the collection of articles will provide an excellent foundation for understanding the language of music (the words) as well as the symbolic language of music (the symbols).
There are two main tools a composer can use to link together two individual notes within a musical composition. In fact, these tools enable you to link together as many notes as you wish. There are some limitations to consider when…
In essence, the fermata steels time. It does not alter the notation of the score, whether by changing the time signature or by adding notes or rests to the measure. In other words no additional notes or rests are placed on the staff…
There are basically only two main items to explore in this post. The first of them is the bracket and the second is the brace as used in music notation. Let us begin by looking at the use of the bracket when writing music …
…reviewing the symbols used to repeat measures, notes and rests. These tools assist the composer when creating repeatable pieces of music without having to write them out in full. As a reference point, they are sort of like what shorthand is to words.
It is through the grace and elegance of your compositional skills and your ability to use those tools of music notation, in a unique and exquisite fashion, that you can become an excellent composer creating great and excellent music that will stand the test…
The measure or measures under the first ending bracket are not played the second time through as we did in the previous repeat set-up example using only start …
The performer always plays the music in a linear fashion from start to finish. The use of the repeat symbols changes only the sequence of what is being played not the …
Barlines are not the measure themselves rather they are the dividing line between adjacent measures within the composition.
Since all note shapes and their equivalent rest shapes are of equal value or duration then they are influenced equally when adding a dot to their shape and hence they remain equal in duration under this…
Rests allow us the ability to add depth and additional emotions to music through the use of silence. The musical rests also their use helps to support other tools when creating…
Note Identification – Music Theory – Part 11 Scales in Music – A Tonal System Music Theory Section – Level 1 Note Identification – Music Theory – Part 11 Overview Note identification is one of the very basic practices for creating and writing music. It is fundamental to composition and to performance. Note identification is […]