
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024


Copyright is the  fundamental and legal protections granted to the creators of intellectual property as designated in the U.S. Constitution. Formal submission of materials can be made by either a hard copy submission or digitally through the official government sponsored websites, which are included below. We strongly recommend that you register your intellectual property to gain the added benefits and protections available to you only by formally registering your works. The use of a self-addressed stamped mailing of your materials does not grant you the full legal protections contrary to popular belief. Full protection is available only through a formal submission of your works. More complete and detailed information is available through the included links below. To gain clarity about the applicable laws and to formally submit your intellectual property please visit the websites included in this directory.

Resource and Links Directory

Intellectual Property - Copyright Symbol



Copyright Law is the underlying law behind protecting original creative works in the variety of Intellectual Property areas. It is based upon the principals set forth by our forefathers designed to provide for certain protections for the creators in our American society. The copyright listings and links included here are for associations, organizations, governmental agencies and others who fully support the rights of creators as granted in the US Constitution and those related in International Affairs as well as those who provide copyright education through the dissemination of copyright related information.

Copyright Directory

Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) – Please feel free to visit the Copyright Clearance Center if you wish to use copyrighted material and seek a license to use it. Legal use of materials which have been registered is gained through acquiring the legal rights to do so. These legal rights are transferred by the owners to the licensees through the use of a licensing vehicle or contract for use.

Please click here for the Library of Congress official home page.

U.S. Copyright Office – This is a specialized division of the Library of Congress where you can research and locate official government information including the forms, access to the actual US Copyright Law among a gazillion other related topics. If you have any question about Copyrights this is the place to visit.

World Int’l. Property Organization – The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international intellectual property (IP) system, which rewards creativity, stimulates innovation and contributes to economic development while safeguarding the public interest.

WIPO was established by the WIPO Convention in 1967 with a mandate from its Member States to promote the protection of IP throughout the world through cooperation among states and in collaboration with other international organizations. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

UNESCO – Culture – Here you will find additional information about Copyrights. UNESCO is committed to promoting copyright protection since its early days (the Universal Copyright Convention was adopted under UNESCO’s aegis in 1952), UNESCO has over time grown concerned with ensuring general respect for copyright in all fields of creation and cultural industries. It conducts, in the framework of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity, awareness-raising and capacity-building projects, in addition to information, training and research in the field of copyright law. It is particularly involved in developing new initiatives to fight against piracy.

Click here to reach the home page for – UNESCO. International Int’l Property Alliance The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) is a private sector coalition formed in 1984 to represent the U.S. copyright-based industries in bilateral and multilateral efforts to improve international protection of copyrighted materials.

The Copyright Society of the U.S.A.(CSUSA) – The premiere organization fostering the advancement of the study of copyright law and the rights granted through the law, to the copyright owners in music, film, theater, art, literature, TV, architecture, software and other authorship works.

Copyright Crash Course – Offers a crash course in Intellectual Property Law and specifically for the copyright.

The Copyright Alliance – The Copyright Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization dedicated to the value of copyright as an agent for creativity, jobs and growth.

Copyright Royalty Board – The Copyright Royalty Board issues announcements, rules, proposed rules, and other notices in the Federal Register, an official U.S. government publication published daily by the National Archives and Records Administration. Keep up on new information enacted or proposed by our Senators and Congressmen via this official government resource.

Indiana University – Offers a comprehensive Copyright Resource Guide. This is an excellent guide for those ho create intellectual property.

Mechanical Copyright Protection Society – The MCPS-PRS Alliance is the home of the world’s best songwriters, composers and music publishers based in the UK with a focus of protecting copyright owners and the mechanical rights therein.

Music United – This is an excellent internet source for educating people on copyright infringement. This site includes a link page to legal download sites available on the Internet supporting your legal protections against infringement.

RAP – Harvard University Law School offers a complete curriculum and a crash course in Copyright Law.

Stanford University – Stanford University offers a wide range of formal education about Copyright and Fair Use.

Free Patents Online – The FreePatentsOnline search engine is one of the most powerful, fastest and easiest patent search engines on the web. It provides free patent searching, free PDF downloading, allows annotating documents and sharing them, and free alerts for new documents.
