
Monday, September 16th, 2024

The application of each of the components of musicality has a direct and indirect impact or influence on how we perceive music as a listener. Collectively, the composer must consider and use the various concepts or components of musicality in an attempt to create a musical masterpiece.

Music education has done so much for me personally that I can’t help but believe in the power of what music education can do. I think that anyone who finds success in music and loves music has an obligation to develop music for the next generation, whether via teaching, trying to inspire younger people with music, or just sharing the inherent beauty of music.

Beethoven wrote in many styles however, most of his musical output uses the sonata form and the variation. His improvisational skills and his orchestral arranging skills provides the avenue of creating a wide variety of variations …

No other Composer, before or since Johann Sebastian Bach, has succeeded to express musical genius that he so elegantly and profusely gave us to enjoy. The breadth and width of Bach’s immense musical output gave the world such a profound collection of sonic beauty unsurpassed even unto this day.

…two important ideas Gluck brought to the Opera. First, the orchestra was placed in equal value to the overall operatic performance rather than as a subordinate part of the opera. Secondly, because the historical use of opera was to demonstrate drama…

Some claim that Haydn was the creator of several song forms; the symphony, string quartets, sonatas and the concerto. The fact of the matter is that these forms were “in development” prior to his involvement with them. What is of most significance of Haydn’s contribution to music at large is that he alone, perfected these forms…

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the most gifted Composers this world has ever known. He is considered to be the single most significantly influential Composers of the Classical Music Period. During his lifetime Wolfgang was viewed as…

Just like an excellent symphony, each note is a contributing factor making the symphony a glorious experience. Take away a single note and it is diminished. Likewise, with John and Nelle O’Neill, one cannot write about only one of them as their lives are like a wonderful symphony!