One never knows where creativity begins in the mind of man, nor can one fathom its source. What one can do is to understand that it is the composer who reaches into the depths of his or her heart and soul to discover new music that lies within waiting to come forth. It is in that journey that music takes flight and finds its way into our…
It appears that my efforts in creating artist reviews is going to continue moving forward and this article will act as an entryway and access point to those articles written by…
The most common and simplest form of ornament in the sub-category of the grace embellishments is simply called the grace note. In a sense, the grace note is also a general name for a group of different types of grace embellishments which use the grace note as its basis. More specifically…
For the stringed instruments, the general method of production for the smooth graces is accomplished first by depressing the appropriate string to the fretboard or fingerboard, in an associated position or fret relative to the…
Before continuing our presentations on embellishments, we must first lay out some basic guidelines which provide a background and which establishes the very foundation necessary for the study of them. The following details will provide…
…a “big picture” overview of the different groups of ornaments, all of which are embellishments, as used in music composition and performance. Also, this particular article includes the description of each category…
…the embellishments are a collection of specific tools which provide a variety of enhancements to simple melody. Further, they provide additional musical instructions to the performers which extend or reduce a melodic sequence of…
Embellishments are the tools known as ornaments which are used to enhance, through extension, addition or the reduction of the melody or a melodic theme in a music composition.
The idea of transferring the use of a piece of music to someone other than the copyright owner/holder involves making some distinctions as to which rights are being transferred. Due to the fact that the copyright includes…
…there are two main ways of getting music published, either you publish it yourself or you find an existing music publisher who believes in you and your music. One thing rings truer today than ever before, you must think in terms of…
This foundation of understanding supports multiple areas of further study for the composer and for the performers of music, studies which could include instrument making, material science and acoustics for example. Since each plays major and important roles in the resulting…
Techniques and expressions are in many ways intertwined with one another and consequently it is important to delineate between the two. In most cases they are so intertwined that…
Collectively, the words used to define expression in music fall into three main categories, those which direct one or more performers to behave or to alter their performance technique, those which quantify or define the extent or degree of …
This concludes our expression word list as well as the series our mini-series Expression in Music. We hope you will continue your study of this concept moving forward as the knowledge learned will help you to improve conveying your musical ideas through the use of the symbolic language of music, music notation.
What enhances your satisfaction is the fact that you have played an important role in the design of your new musical instrument in a special cooperative dance with the person actually building your instrument. The icing on the cake comes when you are actually…