
Monday, September 16th, 2024

Artist Reviews by Don Rath Jr


Artist Reviews by Don Rath Jr

Artist Reviews by Don Rath Jr - 570 x 300 - 5

Artist Reviews

Artist reviews is an area of the Music Theory and Composition website where artists, composers, performers, luthiers and others will be reviewed for their contributions and their works. Also included in the artist review section of this site will be products which offer significant benefits to those in the music industry. With that said, I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing composer/artists. From meetings with them, through e-mail and in other ways, articles have been created about their music and there careers in the music business enabling us to provide the artist reviews in the form of featured articles on this site.

It appears that my efforts in creating artist reviews is going to continue moving forward and this article will act as an entryway and access point to those articles written by me and included on the Don Rath Jr / Music Theory and Composition official website.

The artist reviews we have already presented are listed below in alphabetical order and links to their respective artist review(s) or interview(s) are added for your convenience. As new artist reviews are completed and posted we will be updating this page accordingly. Come back often to learn about any new artists and composers added here. Also, as new information becomes available or as additional articles are written about artists and composers who have already been reviewed, links will be added to any new articles and/or other artist reviews so you can keep up on your favorites!

Artists, Composers, Performers and Luthiers Reviews On This Site

Alex Shapiro

Artist Reviews - Alex Shapiro 80x Artists and ComposersAlex Shapiro – Alex is a composer and music activist. Her music spans the classical orchestral, new age, electro-acoustic and world music genres. Alex continues her work and her music is now performed all over the world and it is featured on over 25 albums. Please see our special featured article about Alex Shapiro and feel free to visit her at her extensive and professional site. You will not be disappointed!

Christopher Tin

Artist Reviews - Christopher Tin Head Shot 80x Artists and ComposersChristopher Tin – Christopher is a composer and current two-time 53rd Annual Grammy Award winner for his amazing debut CD titled Calling All Dawns, Best Classical Crossover Album and for the composition Baba Yetu, for Best Instrumental Arrangement with Vocalist. Our exclusive pre-Grammy interview with him offers insights into the world of active music composers as well as learning more about Christopher Tin the person and the music creator. A featured video of Baba Yetu at the Dubai Fountain is included. Our second article Two Grammy’s – One Night features his acceptance speech for his Grammy Awards. Christopher has released a new CD titles “God is Love” which offers a different view of his work. It has been submitted for review for this year’s Grammy Awards.

John O’Neill

Artist Reviews - john oneill 80x80 Artists and ComposersJohn O’Neill – Composer, Conductor and Music Educator. John fills many hats and he does it well. He has been a music educator for over 35 years and has served as a conductor for over 20 years. John continues to compose original music expanding his repertoire. You can learn more about John and his work as a composer, music educator and conductor at his official website linked to his name. Also, you may also want to review our our featured article about him and his wife Nelle and their lifelong service to teaching children about music.

Michael Brant DeMaria

Artist Reviews - Michael DeMaria 80 Artists and ComposersMichael DeMaria – Michael is a composer, mufti-instrumentalist and performing artist. Significantly, he is now a three-time Grammy nominee for his Ocean, Siyotanka and Gaia CD’s. His latest CD “Bindu” has been submitted this year for consideration for a Grammy Award. Please see our featured article about Michael Brant DeMaria as well as our recent article “A Musical Journey” for an in depth review of his discography. Please feel free to visit him at his official website for a more about his work as a Psychologist and if you are so inclined, to purchase his CD’s.

Tim Callobre

Artist Reviews - Tim Callobre 80x Artists and ComposersTim Callobre – Tim is a composer, mufti-instrumentalist (classical guitar, piano, drums, etc.) and a teacher of Master Classes for guitar. At the age of nine years old he recorded and released his first CD titled The Beginning. Callobre has won and placed high in many music competitions over several years and he’s only seventeen years old. He also performs throughout the US on classical guitar and he has been highly recognized as an excellent performer. In 2012 Tim continues to participate in major guitar competitions and has produced a film score which has received Honorable Mention at the USC Ed Wood Film Festival in February. To read more about Tim please visit our Featured Article where he discusses his music, performance, composition and his teachers.

Artist Reviews by Don Rath Jr

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