Music Theory Section – Level 1 – Series Introduction – Part 10
Scales in Music – A Tonal System
Music Theory Section – Level 1
Series Introduction – Part 10
Music Theory Section – Level 1 is the next section of the overall material to be presented on the Scales in Music – A Tonal System. This article, Series Introduction – Part 10, is the first part of this new series about music theory.
The series of articles about music theory is the prerequisite for the more advanced music theory section about the chromatic and diatonic scales. Therefore, before we can begin our study of scales it is necessary to learn or more thoroughly understand the basic concepts, ideas and tools used in music notation, including the symbols, representing collectively, the symbolic language of music.
The tools of music and the use of those tools is vital in so far as understanding Music Theory since it is an extremely important part of the overall tonal system approach to learning music and music composition as well as learning to notate the musical ideas coming from your soul.
The Components of Music
In the music theory section, we will be discussing multiple components of music, which will include various types of concepts, such as; the note, the rest, accidentals, bar lines, slurs and ties, brackets and braces, dynamics and repeat symbols. Two additional areas of importance for directing the performer of your compositions are expression and technique symbols. All of these ideas and tools will be demonstrated in the music theory section. Although several of the components are fairly simple concepts some are not. Each will be discussed with general information and examples. Whenever appropriate, multi-media presentations will support the written instructions. These will be music charts and mp3clips.
Multi-Part and Mini-Series
This music theory section is comprised of several parts and this introduction is part one of this new series. All together there are 13 articles, four of which make up Part 15 which is a mini-series on various methods of causing repeats, through notation symbols and as used in music notation and creation.
Numbering Series – A decision was made to continue our current article numbering system since all of them are a part of the overall series Scales in Music – a Tonal System.
Consequently, this article, Music Theory Section – Level 1 – Series Introduction, is a continuance of previous articles in the overall Scales in Music – A Tonal System series, we have numbered the music theory section’s first article as Part 10 rather than part one of an entirely different article series.
Music Theory Section – Level 1 – The Parts
Below is a list of the articles in the Music Theory Section and each is in first level of that section. Also, each article is labeled along with a brief explanation of its content.
Scales in Music – A Tonal System
Music Theory Section – Level 1
Table of Contents
Music Theory – Series Introduction – Part 10 – is this article. An overview and introduction to the article series titled – Music Theory Section – Level 1.
Note Identification – Part 11 – Is an extension of the article, The Musical Note, which was presented in the article series Acoustics of Music. In this article, we will explore further the musical note, naming them, modifying them with a name change through the use of accidentals and modifying them without a name change but modifying them through symbols that change the frequency level or octave the performer is directed to play them in. Note – Identification – Part 11 is a multimedia presentation with charts and mp3 examples.
Rest Identification – Part 12 – Explains the use of silence in music and presents the symbols for rests. The article goes further with explanations about each symbol and it explains the specific instruction to a performer to not play or to silence his or her musical instrument. Rest Identification – Part 12 is a multimedia presentation with charts and mp3 examples.
Dotted Notes and Rests – Part 13 – demonstrates the dotted note and rest through a multimedia presentation. This article also includes some of the basic mathematics of music. Charts and mp3 clips are used to assist in the explanations.
Bar Lines – Part 14 – demonstrates the various basic bar lines as used in music notation and provides an in depth look at their usage. It is a brief explanation with some new information about barlines. It follows in the footpath of two articles in the Acoustics of Music Series titled, Music’s Secret Stairway – The Grand Staff, Parts 1 and 2.
Repeats – Part 15 – Mini-Series
Part 15 is a mini-series on the subject of repeats as used in music notation. It demonstrates the various repeat symbols and introduces new words and symbols and their respective meaning. This is a mini-series of four articles and all are multimedia presentations using charts and mp3 samples. The Repeats mini-series includes the following articles;
Repeats – Part 15a – is an introduction to repeats. We explore the basic uses of the repeat symbol.
Repeats – Endings – Part 15b – 1st and 2nd Endings extends the study of the symbols used to cause a replay of a section of music.
Repeat Words – Part 15c – Navigation Words delves into some Latin words and phrases that cause a replay of entire sections and skipping around inside the sections of a composition.
Repeats – Notes and Rests – Part 15d. – repeating Notes, Rests and Measures is the main topic within this article. We explore how to repeat notes and rests using a single symbol as well as repeating entire measures of music.
Brackets and Braces – Part 16 – demonstrates some of the important brackets and braces used in music notation. Chart presentations are included along with explanations of their meaning for both brackets and braces.
The Fermata – Part 17 – The fermata is another tool available for the composer and performers of music which enables extending the note and rest values by a symbol placed above or below specific notes or rests.
Ties and Slurs – Part 18 – demonstrates the differences between them and discusses the usage of ties in slurs, demonstrating their uses in various ways opens up more options to a composer when creating new music.
Series Conclusion – Part 19 –is the conclusion of Music Theory – Level 1 article series.
Up Next
The next article in the Music Theory Section for Level 1 is called Note Identification – Music Theory – Level 1 – Part 11. We will be presenting information including charts and mp3 clips advancing to the next step with additional information on Notes, Rests and Measures.
Please continue with Note Identification – Music Theory – Part 11
Mini Series Links
This is Music Theory – Level 1. The article directory for this series is shown above.
To continue onto Music Theory – Level 2 directory for the article listings within the series, please proceed to Music Theory Section – Level 2 – Series Introduction – Part 20
To proceed to Acoustics of Music directory for the listings within the mini-series, please proceed to Acoustics of Music – Part 1 – Series Introduction.