Guest Authors – A Special Invitation
Guest Authors – A Special Invitation
Teachers, Professors and Scholars
Authors, Writers and Bloggers
To Teachers, Professors and scholars, Authors, Writers and Bloggers – No project worth doing can be done alone. This is true in almost everything I personally have done, including making this site. Many people are needed for a project such as this and one of the most needed is authors for various topics in the music industry.
Music is a broad topic and meanders down many a lane. I do not walk all of its pathways nor do I even know some of them. It is in the best interest of our readers to have an opportunity to experience the many facets of music from a variety of authors offering varied perspectives, on a variety of topics, all of which are about music.
With this in mind, I am seeking contributors to assist in attaining the goal of providing important and relevant information on the many avenues one could or can pursue regarding music, music theory, music history, music composition, etc.
As an author and a composer, I invite you to contact me if you have an interest in participating either as a full writer or as a guest writer on a specific topic related to music and the creation of music.
I would especially like to hear from teachers, professors and music scholars who would be interested in writing about a specific area of music. My goal is to make this site a place that provides a broad based introduction to music and possibly, a site that provides an in depth look at specific areas of music and music production.
So, if you are a music scholar, professor, a teacher, an author or blog writer, a connoisseur of the written word, a writer as related specifically to music, please contact me through the contact link in the top navigator bar.
Thanks in advance for your willingness to participate and share your expertise with our readers!
Best Wishes,